zaterdag 17 september 2011

I'm photoshopped!

IHello followers!

We all look at the mirror and think: I want to be ...
But we know it isn't the truth, the celebs are beautifull, and photoshopped.
Let's see!

Celebrity’s gephotoshopt

dinsdag 6 september 2011

I want my temporarily tattoo on my tooth.

Hello cuties,

I know, the title... But if you don't believe me, look at this pictures!
You can't believe it! And it's temporarily! 

Jeans with a sweater for girls in Holland!

Hello honey's!

The holiday is for the most girls in Holland past. Poor you!
And the weather is also really bad. It's cold and it rains all the time and then... For 5 minutes is the sun shining. Welcome to Holland! And because it's 'weird weather', I'll give you some tips 'what to wear'.

maandag 5 september 2011

Fashionable Cats.

Hello cuties,

The most girls are fashionable. But there are more girls! The stars under the cats, here they are: our fashion cats!

*drum roll*

donderdag 1 september 2011

All I want is Disney!

Hello honey's!

I am a big fan of Disney. And Disney is also really populair by fashion.
Take a look with me! Here we see the models in the Vogue with Disney and ofcourse on the catwalk!

Vogue Russia